Basketball Clinic 2015, coach John Tsoumpris.

Basketball training must have its own daily preparation.

No coach is permitted on the court without his or her practice plan.

He or she should present the team players the practice purpose and aim for their personal improvement.

The beginning of practice can be a passing game or a ball handling session.

In case of passing game; there are two drills that I suggest for the team:
First Drill, “Give and go in a circle position for the team.

Διαφάνεια7Players make a circle with two balls on the perimeter. Two of them take place in the middle with back to back position, facing the other players.

Drill starts with the balls moving with passes from the outside players to the inside.

Now, the inside players pass the ball to the next outside player in the direction their coach has chosen. The inside players change places with the outside having the ball and fill the previous empty positions. The procedure goes on in the same way.


Every time an outside player passes the ball, he then follows thus direction and enters the circle.Each coach tells when the rotation of the two balls changes direction.


Second drill, “Passing around the court”

1.10The children are placed in 6 positions as the draft shows. Child 1 possessing the ball, begins from the final line passing the ball to child 2 of the side line. Child 2 passes the ball onto child 1 and moves towards the basket so as to score. Child 3 finally passes the ball to child 2, who scores. All children move a step forward and child 1 becomes a kid of the side line. Child 2 moves onto the next side line position and child 3, who made the final pass, takes the rebound and repeats the procedure toward the opposite direction with the next two side line kids, who are waiting on the opposite side line.

You could also place a line of children on the final line, which is defined as the beginning and end of the drill.





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