“Knockout” is a fun basketball game that a group of basketball friends can play as a way to increase common basketball skills such as free throw shooting and rebounding.
There is no maximum amount of participants. The only equipment that is needed is a basketball hoop and two basketballs. The objective of the game is to make free throws in order to survive, while at the same time, eliminating the other players.
The game begins with all players lined up in a straight line starting at the free throw line and extending towards half court. The first two players start with a basketball.
Player one shoots a free throw and tries to make it. If the player misses, he/she must grab the rebound and score as fast as possible. Player one’s second shot does not need to be from the free throw line. He/she can shoot a jump shot, lay-up or whatever is needed in order to score fastest.
Player two cannot shoot until after player one has shot their first free throw. The goal for player two is to score a basket before player one does. If player two misses their free throw he/she must also rebound their miss and make a shot as quickly as possible.
If player one makes a basket first, he/she goes to the back of the line. If player one fails to make a basket before player two, player one is eliminated (all eliminated players stand off to the side until the game is finished).
Once player one makes a basket he/she passes the ball to the next player in line. That player tries to make a basket before player two does. If this occurs, player two is out. If player two scores first, he/she goes to the end of the line and passes their ball to the fourth player in line.
The game continues like this until only one player is left standing.