“A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words”

“A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words”

In 1921 Fred R. Barnard (an American advertiser), wanting to sell advertising space on streetcars, launched the catchphrase “A look is worth a thousand words” and to add weight and air of authority to the phrase, he attributed it to someone (entirely fictional ) ancient Japanese sage!
In 1927, however, the resourceful advertiser reconsidered and modified his campaign.
He changed the text and presented it as a Chinese proverb: “A picture is worth ten thousand words.”
According to another version, Barnard borrowed it from Arthur Brisbane (1864 – 1936), one of the most famous American newspaper publishers of the 20th century, who is said to have said in 1911: “Use a picture. It’s worth a thousand words.”

Sources: www.poiostigiati.gr www.news.gr

With this reasoning, wanting to let the image speak with thousands of words in the mind, I present to you in an image, my own proposal for the structure of basketball in Greece.
Details can be discussed for hours.
Ears are needed to hear them, minds to process them and a heart (will to make decisions – patience and perseverance for the coming years) in order to obtain in Greece (finally) a common teaching philosophy and a creative identity of Greek Basketball Players.
Let’s have health and everything can move in the right direction.
Thanks to all the colleagues we have chatted with online over the past 12 months.
Also, all those colleagues from European countries, for the information they offered me.
Finally, all my professors at TEFAA Komotini.
I also thank my collaborators of the last 30 years (in OLYMPIAKO, EVRYALI, DAFNI, PAPAGOU, ATROMITO, PORPHYRA, MILONA, DAS DRAPETSONAS, ESPERIDES, for the endless moments of exchanging opinions about developmental ages.
Thanks to them, I managed to gather in my books, the basketball knowledge of these three decades.

Yours sincerely,

Ioannis Tsoumbris